Whispering Hills Neighborhood Association

Our Calendar

Mon Dec 23 2024
All Day
Brush & Bulky Trash Pickup

Brush and bulky trash is picked up on the fourth Monday of the month (NOT the last Monday). It may be set out on the curb beginning on the Thursday before and before 7:00 a.m. on the Monday of pick-up week.

Separate bulky trash from brush.

No glass or electronics

Tue Jan 14 2025
7:00 PM

The monthly WHNA Board meeting will be held at the Liberty Junior High School Library. Park in the east parking lot, and enter through the east doors.

Mon Jan 27 2025
All Day
Brush & Bulky Trash Pickup

Brush and bulky trash is picked up on the fourth Monday of the month (NOT the last Monday). It may be set out on the curb beginning on the Thursday before and before 7:00 a.m. on the Monday of pick-up week.

Separate bulky trash from brush.

No glass or electronics

Dallas, Texas 75243

Attention, Whispering Hills Residents!

If you see something suspicious, please report it to 911 or through the Dallas Police Department online reporting system. Please also email Mike Gorman at WHNAvipcoordinator


He needs to know what your suspicion was, date, time, and as close a location as possible to where the incident occurred.