Whispering Hills Neighborhood Association


WHNA dues are $50/year.

Membership is on a calendar year basis -- January-December -- payable by check, Venmo or PayPal.


Make checks payable to WHNA
and mail to 10323 Cimmaron Trail, Dallas, TX 75243.


Please email WHNAtreasurer@whnadallas.com with your address, phone number, and email address so we can get you on the membership list, and let us know whether or not you want to be included in the WHNA Directory
and how you wish your name(s) to appear there.


We now accept payments using Venmo at @WHNAdallas using the app,
or go to venmo.com.




 PayPal may be used to pay

Whispering Hills Neighborhood Association dues.


When you click on the "Pay Now" button, you will be directed to PayPal to log in. If you have an existing account, you will be asked to log in to approve the purchase. If you don't have an account, you can create one, using the directions provided by PayPal. You can also pay as a guest if you do not want to create an account.


If you wish to activate auto pay with PayPal so that your membership dues will be charged every year at the rate of $50, please click the Subscribe button below:


Posted by txclogger on 04/15/2022
Last updated on 02/09/2025
Dallas, Texas 75243

Whispering Hills Communications

Information from the Whispering Hills Neighborhood Association is being sent to WHNA members and others for whom we have email addresses.

If you would like to be added to the email list, send your name, street, and email address to WHNAcommunications

Not getting your emails, be sure to add WHNAcommunications
to your email address book.

If you are not yet a member and would like to help support WHNA neighborhood improvements with your membership, click here:  http://www.whnadallas.com/pages/529271301 This website gives you the option to join by PayPal or Venmo or print a membership form to mail with your check.